# Git Workflow This pages shows the recommended Git workflow to keep the local repository clean and organized while ensuring smooth collaboration among team members. ## Prerequisites Make sure you have [Git](https://git-scm.com/) (version 2.23 and above) installed and properly configured especially for authentication. ## Fork and clone the repository Fork the repository to your own namespace, and let us take `https://github.com//iptvtools` as example. Clone the repository and navigate to the root directory: ```shell git clone git@github.com:/iptvtools.git cd iptvtools ``` ## Configure the remote Add and update the `upstream` remote repository: ```shell git remote add upstream https://github.com/huxuan/iptvtools git fetch upstream ``` Configure `git` to pull `main` branch from the `upstream` remote: ```shell git config --local branch.main.remote upstream ``` Configure `git` never to push to the `upstream` remote: ```shell git remote set-url --push upstream git@github.com//iptvtools.git ``` ## Verify the remote configuration List the remote repositories with urls: ```shell git remote -v ``` You should have two remote repositories: `origin` to your forked CPython repository, and `upstream` pointing to the official CPython repository: ```shell origin git@github.com:/iptvtools.git (fetch) origin git@github.com:/iptvtools.git (push) upstream https://github.com/huxuan/iptvtools (fetch) upstream git@github.com:/iptvtools.git (push) ``` Note that the push url of `upstream` repository is the forked repository. Show the upstream for `main` branch: ```shell git config branch.main.remote ``` You should see `upstream` here. ## Work on a feature branch Create and switch to a new branch from `main`: ```shell git switch -c main ``` Stage the changed files: ```shell git add -p # to review and add changes to existing files git add # to add new files ``` Commit the staged files: ```shell git commit -m "the commit message" ``` Push the committed changes: ```shell git push ``` ## Create a pull request Navigate to the hosting platform and create a pull request. After the pull request is merged, you need to delete the branch in your namespace. ```{note} It is recommended to configure the automatic deletion of the merged branches. ``` ## Housekeeping the cloned repository Update the `main` branch from upstream: ```shell git switch main git pull upstream main ``` Remove deleted remote-tracking references: ```shell git fetch --prune origin ``` Remove local branches: ```shell git branch -D ``` After all these operations, you should be ready to again. ## Reference - [Git bootcamp and cheat sheet, Python Developer's Guide](https://devguide.python.org/getting-started/git-boot-camp/)